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New decrees take effect from February, 2022

The Government's new Decree No. 111/2021/ND-CP dated December 9, 2021 on origin of goods is scheduled to take effect from February 15, 2022.

The new Decree was issued to amend and supplement several articles of Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP dated on April 14, 2017.

Under the new Decree, information on the label of goods include the following phases: produced in, manufactured in, name of the country where the goods is produced, origin, produced by, product of and name of country/territory where the good is produced.

The name of the country or territory from which the goods is produced shall not be written in abbreviated forms.

Exemption of land use fees for people with meritorious service to revolution

The Government issued Decree No. 131/2021/ND-CP dated December 30, 2021 on detailed implementation of the Ordinance on preferential treatment for people with meritorious service to the revolution.

Under the Decree, people with meritorious service to the revolution shall be entitled to exemption of land use fees.

These people include heroic mothers, heroes of the people's armed forces, labor heroes during the resistance war, and persons who joined the revolution prior to January 1, 1945.

Source:http://news.chinhphu.vn Copy link

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